Grethe Luth – Mature Model from Denmark 🇩🇰

Grethe Luth
Aging with attitude/ Age positive
Silverfox/ Get inspired by wise quotes
Denmark 🇩🇰

VERVE MAG – What are your strengths?
I rest in myself. I have care and empathy for other people. I am thorough and proper.
VERVE MAG – What types of activities give you more energy and cheer?
Powerwalk, dance, yoga..
VERVE MAG – How do you have fun?
Cultural experiences with comedy. Social contexts. Entertaining movie.
VERVE MAG – Name habits that you think are good for you and give you positive results in your daily life…
I love getting out into nature. To move – and also to have light and other sensory experiences of various kinds. It gives good energy and a good mood. You get mentally balanced..
VERVE MAG – Talk a little about Grethe at 18 and Grethe Luth today and which aspect of yourself are you most passionate about?Grethe at 18/Grethe now?
Grethe 18 years:
I remember being shy, fumbling and unsure. I became a mother early, had to get an education and a driver’s license so I could fend for myself. Received training in nursing. I grew up fast.
Grethe Luth today:
I rest in myself and have a strong integrity. I stand by my femininity and my age. I look after my family life and my social life, but there is room for improvement!
I provide care to my surroundings, family and friends.
MY PASSION is aging with attitude! “Going ahead” seen in relation to standing “forward” – also at a mature age.
I enjoy my Instagram profile, where it is important to me to signal that as a grown woman you also have power and can age with attitude and, at best, grace. That through this you are able to call people’s attention, in order to pass on your message.
I also use my profile to express some “wise quotes” from famous and lesser known people. In these quotes there is hidden a goldmine of perhaps expensively bought experience and wisdom. At best, they give food for thought and maybe even inspiration for other people.
VERVE MAG – How to bring more balance into my life?
Yes, I’m working on that. It is a challenge..
There is an imbalance because in my life there is a little too much sense of responsibility.. It is in my DNA. I definitely need to focus on doing more of the things that give positive energy. Get a little more “pity” into everyday life. Down with the shoulders.
Get better at self-love! In the future, I want to focus on singing, dancing and laughing a little more. A little more cultural experiences. A little more travel.
VERVE MAG – Who inspires you? Why?
There are many people who inspire me.
But in the starting point, I was inspired by the then B.OLD.UNITY, where I myself figure as a mature model.
The intention was to challenge the traditional view of adulthood, seen in relation to how age and beauty are combined within the fashion and advertising industry. Because the focus is mostly on the young generation of models.
This was where they wanted to make a difference.
There are many +45s that are beautiful, warm, wild and with lots of edge.
VERVE MAG – Is your focus on tasks and results or on people and emotions?
My focus is clearly on people and emotions!
I am very interested in how the individual person (including myself) is in balance and thrives.
VERVE MAG – How do you see yourself in 5 years?
I see myself as an active, happy and healthy senior.
I want to age with attitude and a little edge – and also with grace. I hope to be able to travel a little more in the future and experience experience experience……,
VERVE MAG – Which part of your bio should one read?
You should of course read the whole thing.

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