By relearning how we consume, we can hopefully tread lighter on our planet, British model Natasha tells WM Mag!

WM – Today, what is your motivation in the world of fashion?

As a designer in the current landscape, my focus is on conscious fashion. It’s incredibly hard to be fully sustainable but getting as close to that as possible is the goal. We’ve all heard of the tragedies in the manufacturing industry at the hands of fast fashion, alongside landfills filled with mountains of unwanted clothing. By relearning how we consume, we can hopefully tread lighter on our planet and respect the people that work within it. I’d like to see a greater focus on pre-loved and upcycled fashion, as well as more emphasis on quality over quantity.

WM – What are your strengths?

Empathy, creativity, tenacity, resilience, and faith. I like to do things with purpose, and I like to do them well. I believe in the power of positivity and don’t like the word impossible, motivating me to make things happen, even in the face of adversity. I truly believe that if we can envision it, we also have the power to achieve it.

WM – What types of activities give you the most energy and enthusiasm?

I feel most alive in the sunshine, and particularly by the sea; perhaps I was a mermaid in a previous life haha. Dancing and music also lift my spirits, and being around the people I love and care about definitely brings out the best in me.

WM – How do you have fun?

As a full-time mother, I have a lot of demands on my time, however, spending quality time with good friends and family (especially if there’s chocolate and wine involved!) cannot be rivalled. I’m also passionate about travel and grab every opportunity to pack my bags. Whilst I’m drawn to warmer climates, I love to explore anywhere new, taking in the culture, architecture and natural beauty, sparking a long career in travel writing too.

WM – Do you think you are a leader? Give an example of where you were able to use your leadership skills?

Although I don’t think of myself as a leader, I’ve often had people tell me, because of you, I did X, Y, and Z. Perhaps that’s because I very much dance to the beat of my own drum. I’m free-spirited and whenever possible pave my own path. I’ve always been entrepreneurial, and that requires leaping with a great dollop of faith. You could say I’m adept at creating a way even when at first there doesn’t appear to be one, which has inspired those around me to do the same.

WM – Name two habits that you think are healthy for you and that provide positive results in your daily life…

Chocolate! After decades of abstinence in the world of modelling, I decided that the only person who should get to dictate how I look, is me. I finally realized that I really was thin enough so stopped the ridiculous ban on foods, and started to eat whatever I wanted, without guilt. Chocolate came top of my list and continues to put a smile on my face every single day! So, this isn’t really about what I eat, but rather learning to be kind to myself and listening to my inner compass. After all, life’s too short to deprive ourselves of these little pleasures, and precisely why my bio states, ‘Always eat the cake!’ My second habit is a new one, and one that I’m still learning to put into practice – setting and maintaining boundaries. It’s vital to safeguard ourselves, our energy, and us women in particular often have to learn to just say no.

WM – Tell us a little about the person you are today and the person of yesterday and which aspect are you most passionate about?

I’m not the person I was yesterday, and I’m beginning to see this as an upgrade. Whilst the younger me was wildly impulsive, excited by change and adventure, all positive aspects that enabled me to live a rich and interesting life, she was also brainwashed by the modelling industry, constantly striving to fit the minuscule boxes they tried to shrink her into. Over the years I’ve learnt to be more accepting of myself. I no longer view myself through an imaginary magnifying glass and I’m learning to embrace the changes I see in myself as I age.
Personally I choose not to attempt to erase lines and wrinkles with Botox or fillers, and 11 months ago stopped having my roots dyed too. This was a conscious decision to not only embrace my natural self, but also to avoid unnecessary exposure to harsh chemicals. You could say the me of today is rebelling against everything that doesn’t serve her, and I truly love that. Caring less about what others think isn’t giving up, it’s glowing up! And there is great freedom in that.

WM – How do you seek more balance in your life?
I’ve started to implement small changes that grant me much needed peace and a greater balance in my day. Not checking my emails after a certain time, or having notifications pinging through on my phone can help keep out external noise and interruptions. Whilst I enjoy the community and sisterhood I’ve connected with through Instagram, I’m not a fan of society’s heavy reliance on social media and so regularly take time out to ensure I’m making the most of my time IRL, and not just living online. I’ve also decided not to rush into any more big projects, as I’d normally be inclined to do, but rather to allow myself time to feel my way until I know in my heart the right next move for me.

WM – Who inspires you? Why?

I don’t actually have a particular person in mind here, but rather am inspired by individuals that pursue their goals and dreams relentlessly, no matter what life throws in their way. I believe we cannot change the cards we’re dealt, but we can choose how we play them. Some of the most inspirational people I’ve encountered aren’t famous, but are the strong silent warriors that have overcome remarkable challenges to get to where they are today, or have simply summoned the courage to get through them. Those that have felt the fear and done it anyway.

WM – Is your focus on tasks and results or on people and emotions?
Definitely people and emotions. I strive for happiness. It might sound simplistic but in my mind, it’s the greatest success of all. Whilst it’s impossible to be happy 24/7, learning to appreciate all that we already have as we navigate through life, adapting to the inevitable changes that come along, grants us a level of acceptance and contentment that can get us as close to happiness as can be. My life has always been in pursuit of happiness, which happens to be one of my favourite movies too. I love nothing more than a happy ending. That is and always has been my goal.

WM – With digital speed imposed on everyday life, where do you see yourself in the next decade?

As mentioned earlier, digital life is not something I fully embrace. Whilst I enjoy the connections I make, I can also find it to be intrusive. In the past I shied away from social media for the longest time, even appointing a marketing company to manage my brand’s social media, however no-one but yourself can communicate with the same authentic voice so I picked it up again. On the plus side, the digital world has made it easier to work from anywhere, so in the next decade I see myself taking off to a beautiful sunny destination, enjoying a slower pace of life, surrounded by nature, amazing weather and good people. And very likely, no social media at all!

WM – What part of your biography should everyone read?

All of it. I don’t think you can fully understand anyone until you’ve walked in their shoes. And that journey starts from the very beginning, before we’ve even learnt to take our first step. My life has been far from ordinary, and one day I dare say I will share my story, but perhaps this will be the decade that really shapes me into the person I always had it in me to become. There’s a quote by French philosopher, Albert Camus, which rings very true: “In the midst of winter, I finally found there was within me, an invincible summer.” Looks like I’ve set myself a challenge. Let me know when you read the book!

VERVE Journalism

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